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Regular Meeting 12-2-02
ACTION MINUTES  Page 1  December 2, 2002        


TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

Members Present:        Mayor William Aman
Deputy Mayor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Barbara Barbour
Councillor Paul Burnham
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Judith Paquin
Councillor Edward F. Havens
Councillor John Pelkey  
Also Present:   Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
Town Attorney Barry Guliano     

Prior to called the Regular Meeting to order, Mayor Aman distributed “Certificates of Recognition to 15 Junior Soccer Association Players and their Coaches as “winners” in the U-13 Fall State Cup.

Mayor Aman then called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m  As the first order of business, Deputy Mayor Streeter moved to Suspend Council Rules by addressing Agenda Item 16. A. at this point of the meeting.


16.     Unfinished Business

A.      Resolution Appointing Keith Yagaloff (D) to the South Windsor Board of Education for a term Ending November 10, 2003

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Keith Yagaloff to the South Windsor Board of Education for a term ending November 10, 2003 to fill the unexpired term of Judith Paquin.


16.     A.  (Continued)

Was made by:    Councillor Havens
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

Following this Resolution, Mayor Aman asked Town Clerk Gretchen Bickford to come forward to swear in Keith Yagaloff as a Member of the South Windsor Board of Education.  Mrs. Bickford then came forward to administer the oath for this position.  

Following the swearing in, Members of the Town Council congratulated Mr. Yagaloff on his appointment.

6.     Environmental Health and Safety Message

Councillor Pelkey read into the record a letter the Town Manager had received from Joyce Prescott, 57 Edgewood Drive, thanking the Town for its Emergency Flashing Porch Switch program, and the comfort it provided to “an elderly woman living alone” just knowing it is there in an emergency.  The Councillor also used this time to inform the public that anyone wishing to participate in this program should call either the South Windsor Ambulance Corps, or the South Windsor Police Department for information.

7.     Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings  -  None

8.     Public Petitions  -  None

9.     Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council

Mr. Craig Zimmerman, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission reported to Council that the Commission was planning on sending out a “Questionnaire” to approximately 3,000 voters asking why they voted as they did on the Referendum Question in the recent election.  He said that the Commission Members felt it would be “nice to know” the reasons for the Referendum Question’s defeat.

9.  (Continued)

Continuing, Mr. Zimmerman said that anyone interested in participating in a discussion on this topic, with Commission Members, was invited to a meeting on Wednesday, December 11, in one of the meeting rooms downstairs in the Town Hall.

10.     Communications and Reports from the Town Manager  (Continued)

Town Manager Galligan reported on a proposed “badging system” for Town employees—this program being in conjunction with similar plans of the Board of Education.  With regard to access to the Town Hall, Mr. Galligan said that he would like to get away from the present “key” system; and that it was very important in this “day and age,” that each employee have his/her own “I.D.” card.

On another issue, Mr. Galligan then spoke to the concerns expressed at a previous Town Council meeting by resident Andrew Hildebrand, Ordway Drive, regarding what Mr. Hildebrand felt was the need for 24-hour ambulance and paramedic service being available within the Town of South Windsor, rather than the “night-time only” service now being provided.  

The Town Manager then updated the Town Council on matters being discussed regarding—CRRA; the status of the Town’s leaf collection program, and the setbacks experienced in that program because of recent snowstorms; and, most importantly, the effects of anticipated budget cuts by the State to the municipalities’ education programs.  Other areas of concern were the LoCIP fund; and State’s Road Aid program.

Mr. Galligan then referred to a “Family Disaster Plan” that he had recently received from FEMA and the Red Cross which had been provided to Council in their packets.  He informed the public that they could access a copy through either FEMA’s or the Red Cross’ websites.  The Plan, he explained, stressed the need for family preparedness in case of a natural disaster—particularly, a plan and means for communication with each other in light of the fact that family members were apt to be in different locations at the time of a disaster—i.e, at home, at work, at school, or in their cars.  


10.     Communications and Reports from the Town Manager  (Continued)

In conclusion, Mr. Galligan said that he  felt it was a very good source of important suggestions for family preparedness in case of a disaster, and urged families to obtain a copy of the Plan..

There followed questions from the Councillors regarding these items.

On another matter, Mayor Aman asked the Town Manager to have staff “take a look at the traffic lights at Strong Road and Route 5—in particular, the necessity of having a set of red lights “after” the railroad tracks, but before the regular traffic light on Route 5.  Drivers, he said, were stopping so far back from the first light that they were not “tripping” the Route 5 light for vehicles wishing to exit Strong Road

11.     Reports from Standing Committees  -  None

12.     Reports from Temporary Committees  -  None

13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

Councillor Burnham reported on a performance by the students from the Shaolin Wushu Center on Ellington Road within Town Center to be held on December 14. 2002, at Timothy Edwards Middle School’s Auditorium, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Councillor Havens asked Town Attorney Guliano when the lease on the Mitchell property for the Juknis Greenhouses expired.  Atty. Guliano replied that a notice was sent out to Mr. Thomas Juknis telling him that he must vacate the site by December 31, 2002.  Councillor Havens then asked what the conditions of his leaving were—i.e., “what does he take with him; or what does he leave?”  Atty. Guliano said he would have to take a look at the Agreement because the Town Attorney was “not exactly sure what he has put up there.  Anything he has put up, he would have to take down,” according to Atty. Guliano.

Councillor Havens said that what he had questioned was an issue at the time the Town had granted Mr. Juknis an extension of the Agreement; and asked for assurances that the land would be cleared by Mr. Juknis before his final departure.  

13.     Communications and Petitions from Council  (Continued)

On another matter, Councillor Havens reminded those present that the “Grand Opening” for the Town’s new Stop & Shop was on Wednesday, December 4; and asked the Town Manager how much tax revenue this store would be bringing to the Town.  Saying that this figure had not been calculated as yet because the loss of tax revenue attributable to the removal of businesses to make room for

the supermarket had not as yet been estimated, Mr. Galligan said that if he had to take a guess it could be between $100,000 and $150,000 in additional tax revenues to the Town because of the new Stop & Shop.

Councillor Barbour, reporting as liaison to the Board of Education, said that at the November 26 Board meeting Mr. John Patrick, a Member of the “Citizens Advisory Group” looking into the need and planning process for additional schools and/or space, presented an interim report on the group’s activities and asked for an extension of time before the final report is due.   

Councillor Barbour then asked to return to the subject of the “West Nile Virus.” She reported that, several weeks ago, she had expressed her concern over the spread of the West Nile Virus and its danger to South Windsor’s residents.  And, at that time, the Town Manager had informed the Town Council that over two years, South Windsor had instituted an “active participation prevention program” by treating catch basins and some of the more popular area of ponds and parks; and, last year, had spent over $22,000 on this prevention treatment.

Noting that The Hartford Courant has lately published several articles on the subject of the “West Nile Virus” in an effort to raise the public’s level of awareness on the dangers of this disease and its intrusion into the State of Connecticut, Councillor Barbour expressed her own concern that private homes and businesses were not taking the necessary steps to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds within their own properties.  

Councillor Barbour then went on to request Council support “in two ways”:  (1) by directing the Town Manager to request that State Representatives amend the present Statutes to allow South Windsor to treat “ponds” and “catch basins” that are on private property; and (2) to direct Mr. Galligan to “draft” a proposal to be presented to State legislators requesting that they provide dollars to municipalities to address this serious public health problem; and that these same


13.     Communications and Petitions from Council  (Continued)

Legislators present this proposal to the State Legislature to seek State funding to underwrite the labor and material costs of this program on an annual basis.

Mayor Aman asked the Town Manager to try to come up with this “draft proposal” prior to the Mayor’s attendance at CRCOG’s Legislative Committee meeting on Wednesday this week where the Mayor could present this proposal to those Legislators who were present. and where he could determine the degree of support from other Towns regarding this.  Mr. Galligan agreed to do this.

Councillor Paquin, referring to the idea of presenting proposals to our State legislators, suggested that, perhaps the time has come for them and the Town Council to “look at some modification or reassessment of our Collective Bargaining Laws.”  Both Mayor Aman and Town Manager Galligan informed her that this issue has “been on the table” before State legislators for many years.  Mr. Galligan agreed that this would be the time to again address this issue; and stated that he would be happy to present any new ideas with regard to it to local legislators.

Councillor Delnicki acknowledged and read a letter from the South Windsor Rotary Club in which the Club endorsed the idea of a suitable recognition, by the Town, of Sherwood Waldron’s contributions to his community.

Addressing Councillor Barbour’s concerns with regard to the “West Nile Virus,” Councillor Pelkey informed the Town Council that Boy Scout Pack 389 was presently in the process of building “bat houses.”  Bats, he once again informed the listening public, were important and effective predators of mosquitoes—the principal carriers of the West Nile Virus.  He also reminded the public that they must eliminate “standing water” in their own yards—even containers that would hold merely a teaspoon of water were potential breeding sites for mosquitoes.

Councillor Havens, referring to the tight State budget for next year, felt that “nickel and dimeing” programs might help, but would not “do it.”  He suggested that the Town Manager be thinking about “what major programs can we eliminate?”—major programs being programs such as community trash pick-up, or leaf removal.  The Council, he added, should be thinking about major ways to “chop the budget.”


14.     Public Participation  -  None

15.     Consent Agenda

Motion to accept Items 17. A. through 17. K. as the Consent Agenda.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Streeter
Seconded by:            Councillor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

16.     Resolution Appointing Keith Yagaloff (D) to the South Windsor Board of Education for a Term ending November 10, 2003

(This item was addressed earlier in the Meeting.)

17.     New Business

*A.     Resolution Appointing Mark A. Peterson (R) to the Building Code Board of Appeals for a Term Expiring on January 1, 2003, and the Tabling of Same; and, Effective January 2, 2003, Reappointing Mark A. Peterson (R) to the Building Code Board of Appeals for a Term Expiring on January 1, 2008, and the Tabling of Same
(Deputy Mayor Streeter)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Mark A. Peterson to the Building Code Board of Appeals to fill a vacancy with a term expiring on January 1, 2003, and hereby tables the same: and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, effective January 2, 3003, the South Windsor Town Council appoints Mark A. Peterson to the Building Code Board of Appeals for a full term expiring January 1, 2008, and hereby tables the same.  



17.     New Business (Continued)

*B.     Resolution Appointing Walter J. Fitzpatrick (R) As a Full Member of the Historic District Commission to fill a Vacancy With a Term Expiring on November 30, 2003, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Walter J. Fitzpatrick a full Member of the Historic District Commission to fill a vacancy with a term expiring on November 30, 2003, and hereby tables the same.  


*C.     Resolution Appointing Peter Jennings (R) as an Alternate to the Historic District Commission to Fill the Unexpired Term of Walter J. Fitzpatrick which Term Expires on November 30, 2006, and the Tabling of Same.

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Peter Jennings as an Alternate to the Historic District Commission for a term expiring on November 30, 2006, to fill the unexpired term of Walter J. Fitzpatrick, and hereby tables the same.


*D.     Resolution Reappointing Edwina H. Futtner (R) as an Alternate to the Historic District Commission for a Term Expiring on November 30, 2007, and the Tabling of Same.

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council reappoints Edwina H. Futtner as an Alternate to the Historic District Commission for a term expiring on November 30, 2007, and hereby tables the same.



17.     New Business (Continued)

*E.     Resolution Reappointing Binh Nguyen (R) to the Human Relations Commission for a Term Expiring November 30, 2005, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council reappoints Binh Nguyen to the Human Relations Commission for a term expiring on November 30, 2005, and hereby tables the same.


*F.     Resolution Appointing Suzanne S. Fitts (R) to the Library Board for a Term Expiring November 30, 2003 to Fill the Unexpired Term of Amanda Lisowski, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Suzanne S. Fitts to the Library Board for a term expiring on November 30, 2003 to fill the unexpired term of Amanda Lisowski, and hereby tables the same.


*G.     Reappointment of Herbert Asplund (R) to the Patriotic Commission for a Term Expiring August 31, 2005, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council reappoints Herbert Asplund to the Patriotic Commission for a term expiring August 31, 2005, and hereby tables the same.


*H.     Reappointment of Robert Moeller (R) to the Patriotic Commission for a Term Expiring August 31, 2005, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council reappoints Robert Moeller to the Patriotic Commission for a term expiring on August 31, 2005, and hereby tables the same.


17.     New Business (Continued)

*I.     Reappointment of John Raphael (U) to the Patriotic Commission for a Term Expiring August 31, 2005, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council reappoints John Raphael to the Patriotic Commission for a term expiring August 31, 2005, and hereby tables the same.


*J.     Appointment of Teri Dickey-Gaignat (R) to the Personnel Board of Appeals for a Term Expiring November 30, 2005, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Teri Dickey Gaignat to the Personnel Board of Appeals for a term expiring November 30, 2005, and hereby tables the same.


*K.     Appointment of Timothy M. Moriarty (R) as an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals to Fill a Vacancy for a Term Expiring on November 30, 2005, and the Tabling of Same.

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Timothy M. Moriarty as an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals to fill a vacancy for a term expiring on November 30, 2005, and hereby tables the same.


L.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from Salary Contingency to Adult and Senior Services Part-Time Wages Account

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a transfer of $5,172 from Salary Contingency Account Number 1910-9015-390 to Adult and Senior Services Part-Time Wages Account Number 1421-4225-113 to fund wages that were previously reimbursed by the South Windsor Housing Authority.

17.     L.  (Continued)

Was made by:    Councillor Paquin
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

M.     Resolution Approving a Tax Refund to Sixteen (16) South Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves the refund of property taxes to sixteen (16) South Windsor taxpayers, the total of said refunds being $2,636.08, and as shown on attached Exhibit A.

Was made by:    Councillor Delnicki
Seconded by:            Deputy Mayor Streeter
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

N.     Discussion ItemTown Council Work Sessions Being held in Other than Council Chambers

This discussion item was requested by Councillor Pelkey.  The Councillor said he brought this matter up because of the previous two meetings—(1) Special Work Session held on November 25, 2002 in the Madden Room; and (2) the last Town Council meeting at which a brief discussion was held with regard to the appropriateness of holding the November 25 meeting downstairs, and off camera.

Councillor Pelkey, again referring to the Special Work Session of November 25, stated that it was a three-hour meeting at which a discussion was held regarding the “Strategic Budget” process put together by Town Manager Galligan.  After attending this meeting, Councillor Pelkey said he felt even more strongly that this was a discussion that should have been available to the public—and not “off camera.”

Saying that he had several reasons for not wanting these meetings held off camera:  (1) Non-televised meetings clearly limit the public access to information; (2) televising the meetings is a convenience to the public and

17.     N..  (Continued)

an opportunity for them to view the proceedings and, if they feel strongly about an issue, to “throw on a coat and hurry down to Town Hall and give good input” by voicing their opinions or offering their ideas (the Councillor also pointed out that if the meetings are “filmed” there is the added opportunity of replaying them on one or two other occasions during the following week).

Most importantly, the Councillor continued, he felt the November 25 meeting should have been brought to the public because not doing so was contrary to the Town’s strategic planning process of “One Town One Future.”  Councillor Pelkey then read excerpts from the Strategic Planning Meeting held last January.

Concluding his remarks, Councillor Pelkey mentioned that upcoming Strategic Budget meetings would include presentations by the Town’s Public Works Department, Police Department, etc. and that the operations of these major departments were of interest to the public and should be televised.  He asked for more feedback from other Council Members.

Deputy Mayor Streeter said that he had examined the Town Council Rules, and the Town of South Windsor’s Code and found reference, only, to where Regular Meetings of the Town Council must be held.  Continuing, he said he found no reference to the venue for Work Sessions.  He felt that holding an occasional meeting, of the nature of the November 25 meeting, downstairs meets the mandate of the Strategic Planning process by providing ‘better government and a better flow of information between the departments and the Council.”

The Deputy Mayor pointed out that, with the exception of “Executive Sessions,” the public is invited to every meeting of the Town Council, as are the members of the press.  He also reminded the Council that it is only in recent years that these meetings have been televised; and, in fact, the Town Council used to have Regular Meetings twice a month on the first and third Mondays, and Work Sessions twice a month on the second and fourth Mondays.  He inferred this might be an option for Council in order to provide “more time in Work Sessions”—dedicating an entire evening to a Work Session where more work could be accomplished.

17.     N..  (Continued)

Deputy Mayor Streeter also reminded the Council Members and the listening public that at a Work Session no formal votes may be taken, but merely an opportunity to exchange ideas not only with fellow Councillors, but also with members of the Town’s staff who may appreciate the chance to speak more freely and in a less formal manner with the Town Council.

The Deputy Mayor emphasized that he was not suggesting that all Work Sessions be held off camera.  Council, he added, is only in the early stages of Budget talks; and when the time comes for Department Heads to come before Council for formal presentation of their individual budgets—it should be in the Council Chambers before the cameras.  

Deputy Mayor Streeter used this time to point out that the Town Council was the only agency that had all its Regular Meetings and most of its Work Sessions televised.  The Board of Education, he added, only televises one meeting per month; and only certain Public Hearings of the P&Z are broadcast.

Councillor Fine pointed out that she has gone on record “at least once before” to conducting meetings downstairs.  Having a meeting downstairs, she said, and discussing things that are as informative and as important as what was discussed last week (Nov. 25), and then to rediscuss them with the public is “certainly a waste of everybody’s time.”  However, she also felt that P&Z meetings and Board of Education meetings should all be televised.

The Councillor concluded by asking that all Town Council meetings be televised, even if cameras had to be installed downstairs.

Councillor Barbour stated that, coming from a business perspective, there are times (in business) you may have “general” meetings, and times when you do not.  She said she found the formal sitting arrangements of one party on each side of the dais uncomfortable, and was sure this did not lead to “percolating” ideas or coming up with ways for solving problems.  For her purposes, Councillor Barbour concluded, she learned more and felt more comfortable and open to suggestions sitting downstairs at the Work Sessions.  She concluded by adding that she would like to hear from the Town Manager on this subject.

17.     N..  (Continued)

Councillor Paquin said she tended to agree with the views of Councillor Pelkey—primarily because there could be the appearance that Council was trying to hide something by not televising certain meetings.  She felt this could add to the distrust people have of government in general; and it was very important for people to understand why Council was voting on whatever the issue was.  

Councillor Delnicki stated that, like Councillor Paquin, he had served on the Board of Education, and although their Work Sessions were not televised, he had never heard a statement of distrust of the Board because of this.  Each and every decision that was ever made, he added, was done on camera in the public eye.  Decisions made here as the Town Council, he stated, is “done in the public eye.”  He felt that the “distrust” issue was a “red herring”—that all meetings, with the exception of Executive Sessions, are open to the public; and, he added, the public is always encouraged to attend them.

Councillor Havens said this was not the first time there was a discussion regarding whether or not to televise a meeting.  He recalled prior years when this issue had arisen.  Pointing out that the Town had spent about $50,000 to televise these meetings, Councillor Havens agreed with Councillor Delnicki’s suggestion that Council “pick and choose” which meetings to hold downstairs—it should not become a habit to hold meetings downstairs—and Councillor Pelkey’s bringing this subject forward for discussion was a good idea because it is a reminder that the Town Council should “do as much as we can right up here in the Chambers.”

Mayor Aman said he did like the meetings downstairs , but they had to be limited to certain topics and certainly limited to “no decision-making.”  He felt that these meetings made for “a lot freer discussion, and lead to people being much more willing to throw out an idea.”  The Mayor pointed to his chairing of last week’s Work Session where he was able to allow various “side conversations” between Councillors—something he did not feel was appropriate when Council was being televised.


17.     N..  (Continued)

The Mayor reminded Council that they had met for “four hours” on November 25; and continued by speculating that, even on an “off” night, the Council would have needed twice as much time to cover the same amount of material if they were being televised.  He, too, felt that people on camera were less willing to present their ideas to Council if they were not certain of their worth, or how the ideas would be received.

Mayor Aman informed the Councillors that he would continue to ask the Clerk of the Council to schedule meetings downstairs when he felt it was a subject that was appropriate for informal discussion; however, he said, the vast majority of the meetings he still expected to schedule in the Council Chambers, and be televised.

Councillor Havens then asked the Mayor to make certain that this was a “mutual decision.”

Councillor Pelkey said the reason he brought this subject up had nothing to do with “trust;” and had everything to do with “educating the public.”  He said that the problem today was that “people are not involved in their town government;” and, it was his opinion, that “putting these meetings off camera” merely “disengages” them even more.

Town Manager then explained that this new process came to be under the strategic planning process when it was decided to change the budget.  Since he and Town staff were embarking on a totally different budget, he said; and made the observation that “everyone wants to run government like a business; but every time you run it like a business, nobody wants to do it.”  

Mr. Galligan asked the Council to think of themselves as a Board of Directors of a corporation, and the residents as the “stockholders.”  One of the things a Board of Directors does, he added, “roll up their sleeves, and talk about policy, bottom-line profits, what programs should be instituted, etc., develops a plan to do that; and, then sends it out to their stockholders for approval.”

17.     N..  (Continued)

The Town Manager explained that this was the process Town staff was attempting to initiate.  With the new budget process, he said, what was feared the most was that each department would provide their “priorities,” and at the end of the process, the public would be faced with (for instance) 35 priorities.  What this new strategic process was trying to do, according to Mr. Galligan, was to educate the Council that this was “a new way of doing business;” and that at the end of this process Council, each year, staff would be in a position to “chip away” at some of the important issues.

Continuing, Mr. Galligan said that in the opinion of staff and the Town’s strategic planning Facilitator it was felt that a Work Session, such as the one held on November 25, would be very important.  It was the Town Manager’s opinion that, had the subject Work Session been held “on camera,” the residents would have thought that the Town Council had discussed “13 priorities, and there’s going to be 13 new programs.”

The message that the Town Council, he, and staff should be trying to get out to the public, Mr. Galligan said, was that although (35) priorities have been discussed and looked at, “Council feels that this is our top (4) or (5) priorities.”  He felt this was the time to “hear from the public” and receive their input.

Mr. Galligan stressed that this was what the strategic process was about—a management tool; and that no one (staff, CORE group, or anyone in the strategic process group) was trying to “hide something.”  The Town Manager then pointed out that the only subject discussed was the “Strategic Budget;” and that other matters important to the public were purposely not  discussed at this meeting.

Concluding his remarks, Mr. Galligan told the Council that he felt more of this type of meeting was needed—where Council and staff would meet in an informal atmosphere to “hammer out what was going to be the Town’s top priorities; and how things were going to be accomplished and still keep the taxes as low as possible.”  He felt the public would benefit because Council and staff will be “more focused” on the Town’s needs.


17.     N..  (Continued)

Once the Strategic Budget is adopted, according to the Town Manager, Council would be spending many televised meetings through February, March, and April looking at dollar figures that match the programs discussed during the current process.  Council’s priorities, he added, might change at that time because of the cost of some of these programs.

Following the conclusion of the Town Manager’s statements, Councillor Fine referring to the remarks that this “was a political discussion,” said that as far as she was concerned, it was not a matter of “politics,” it’s a matter of a “mind set” that says that “openness and sharing in the government.”

O.      Resolution Approving an Annual Salary for the Registrars of Voters for Calendar Years January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003; and January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004.  

WHEREAS, the Registrars of Voters are elected positions, serving a four-year term; and

WHEREAS, the Registrars of Voters rate of compensation is, by State Statute, to be paid by the municipality

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby stipulates that the annual compensation for the Registrars of Voters shall be $24,010 from January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003; and shall increase to $24,970, effective January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004, said adjustment shall consist of a combination of a salary increase and the incorporation of a payment in recognition that no benefits are included in that base salary.

Was made by:    Councillor Fine
Seconded by:            Councillor Barbour
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously


P.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $16,259 from Contingency to the Capital Projects Fund to Cover the Town’s Share of an Employee Badging System, and an Access Control System at Town Hall

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor and the South Windsor Board of Education want to enhance their security measures by providing photo identification cards to all employees; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor and the South Windsor Board of Education wish to participate in a cooperative purchase of an employee badging system at a cost of $9,922 to each entity; and

WHEREAS, in addition, the Town of South Windsor wishes to install an Access Control System at Town Hall at a cost of $6,337

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $16,259 from Contingency Account Number 1910-9001-390 to the Capital Projects Fund to cover its share of the cost of the employee badging system and the Access Control System.

Was made by:    Councillor Barbour
Seconded by:            Councillor Fine
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

18.     Passage of Ordinance - None

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued) - None

20.     Executive Session

A Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Streeter to go into Executive Session to discuss possible purchase of property by the Town of South Windsor; and to discuss a personnel matter.  The Motion was seconded by Councillor Delnicki; and approved, unanimously.


21.     Motion to Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned following the conclusion of the Executive Session, or at approximately 10:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmt.  (Exhibit A.)